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District convention is going to be great!

We are holding our District Convention at the Lancaster Convention Center October 7 – 8. That is just around the corner. We are expecting a great showing of quartets and choruses and look forward to seeing everyone there. Please note that the last day for Early Bird ticket sales will be September 9 and the last day for online ticket sales is September 23.


I am so excited to let you know that our own Alexandria Harmonizers will be cheering choruses on during the Saturday Chorus Contest and have graciously agreed to offer our convention attendees a Master Class sometime after the chorus contest (stay tuned for details). In addition, the Harmonizers will appear on our Saturday evening show which will follow the quartet finals on Saturday night!!

Come and enjoy our current 3rd Place International Chorus, the Alexandria Harmonizers.

If that weren’t enough, our outgoing 2020 District Quartet Champion quartet, Pratt Street Power will cool the mics following the quartet contest on Friday night and will provide our members an opportunity on Saturday to watch them in a class environment as well perform on the Saturday night show.

It’s gonna be great! Get your tickets now!

Ig Jakovac, District President