Included in Newsletter

Spring Convention Recap

It was so wonderful to see everyone at our two conventions in March and April. Enjoying live barbershop performances from our quartets and choruses was everything that I hoped for. I really didn’t know what to expect. I had no idea how ensembles would adapt to the “time off” and didn’t know the extent to which each ensemble was getting together because each part of our District had different levels of community spread. I was so thrilled with the high quality of the performances that were delivered at both of our conventions. Such fun!

Our March 25 and 26 events were a combined Central and Southern Division Contest, MAD Seniors District Quartet Championship, and International Preliminary Contest.

We had five quartets competing for the 2022 MAD Seniors District Champion. The winner:

  • Opus 4 – 64.6%
Opus 4 Quartet

We cannot yet announce our representative to the 2023 mid-winter convention, as there is a least one quartet competing out of District due to COVID illness.

There were 16 Central (1 for score/eval) and 8 Southern quartets that competed. The top three Central Division quartets are:

  1. GQ – 85.1%
  2. Secret Best Friends – 80.6%
  3. B&B – 78.0%
GQ Quartet

Our fourth-place quartet was a tie broken by the singing score:

  • Rule #1 – 78%

The top three Southern Division quartets are:

  1. First Take – 84.6%
  2. Fantastic 4 – 73.5%
  3. Breakthrough – 71.9%

The Novice Quartet Champion for Central Division is:

  • Up & Away – 69.8%

The Southern Division Novice Quartet Champion is:

  • The Society of Fellows – 66.3%
Parkside Melody

Eight Central choruses compete. The top three Central Division Choruses are:

  1. Parkside Melody – 85.2%
  2. Country Gentlemen – 73.1%
  3. The Mainliners – 73.1%

White Rose Chorus is the Central Division Plateau AA Champion.
Keystone Capital Chorus is the Central Division Plateau AAA Champion.
Country Gentlemen is the Central Division Plateau AAAA Champion.
White Rose Chorus is the Central Division Most Improved Chorus.
Three Southern Division Choruses competed.

  1. The Virginians – 71.6%
  2. Commodore Chorus – 71.5%
  3. Heart of Maryland – 69.8%

Commodore Chorus is the Southern Division Plateau AAA Champion.
The Virginians is the Southern Division Plateau AAAA Champion.
Commodore Chorus is the Southern Division Most Improved Chorus.

Thirteen quartets competed, and 3 scratched. The top three Northern Division quartets are:

  1. The Brooklynaires – 77.4%
  2. Age of Flight – 73.8%
  3. Madhattan – 73.6%

The novice quartet Champion for northern Division is:

  • Champagne Alley – 72.5%

Ten choruses competed (one out-of-division and 3 for score/eval only) – the top three Northern Division choruses are:

  1. Gotham – 85.8%
  2. Sirens of Gotham – 76.7%
  3. Long Island Sound – 69.7%

The Dapper Dans of Harmony is the Northern Division Plateau AAA Champion.
Long Island Sound is the Northern Division Plateau AAAA Champion.
Somerset Hills Harmony is the Northern Division Most Improved Chorus.

Qualifiers to the International in Charlotte include:

  1. Midtown – 90.3% (qualified in CSD)
  2. GQ – 85.1%
  3. ‘Round Midnight – 85.0%
  4. First Take – 84.5%
  5. Secret Best Friends – 81.0%
  6. Rule #1 – 77.9%
  7. B&B – 77.8%
  8. Madhattan – 76.5% (qualified in NED)

At least two quartets are still trying to qualify so we could add to this already impressive list!
Invitations to compete at the Fall District Convention will be sent out as soon as contest season is over so, please stay tuned!

Submitted by Ig Jakovac, VP of Contest and Judging