Included in Newsletter

HCE is BACK at McDaniel College for 2022!

Harmony College East Is Back In 2022!  We are so excited to be offering this terrific event in person again! Get your calendars out and reserve June 16-19, 2022, for the best District barbershop school ANYWHERE.  Briefly, here are the particulars:

WHAT:  Harmony College East 2022
WHERE: The beautiful campus of McDaniel College, Westminster, MD
WHEN:  Thursday, June 16 through Sunday, June 19, 2022

COURSES:  We are excited to report that, in addition to our standard amazing course offerings, we have added many NEW courses and instructors this year, including (but not limited to):

  • Yoga for Singers (Sally Galloway)
  • BIPOC Youth Engagement (Julian LeFlore)
  • Bring it On!—Better Singing and More Members (Paul Ellinger)
  • Barbershop in Our Changing World (Chris Rimple)
  • The Singing Actor (Theresa Weatherbee)
  • Song Writing (Steve Delehanty and Tom Gentry)

…..and MORE!  All new courses are highlighted on the registration website. And we are thrilled to offer a new track of courses exclusively for music educators! Please feel free to pass this information on to any music teachers you may know for their consideration.

BRING YOUR QUARTET OR YOUR CHORUS FOR COACHING: By coming to Harmony College East as a quartet or chorus, you will have the opportunity to take advantage of intensive coaching by some of the finest coaches in the Barbershop Harmony Society, such as gold medalists Gary Parker, and Brian Beck, and local luminaries such as Joe Cerutti and Rick Taylor, to name just a few. Your quartet or chorus will leave your HCE experience with the tools and skills to continue to grow and improve!

PRIVATE VOCAL INSTRUCTION (PVI):  In addition to our courses and coaching, you will have the opportunity to sign up for for one-on-one vocal instruction with one of our faculty members, who will help you to target your areas of vocal concern and give you strategies on how to improve!

COST:  Tuition has been held at our 2019 level!  Please see the registration site for tuition and housing options.

COVID MITIGATION POLICY: Consistent with the Mid-Atlantic District’s current policy for all in-person events, all registrants must provide proof of being fully vaccinated against COVID-19 (two Pfizer/Moderna shots or one J&J shot). All registrants will be provided with a link to upload their proof of vaccination on or about May 15, with a deadline to submit by June 1. McDaniel College’s on-campus protocols currently require masking in instructional areas on campus, with masking “optional” in residence and common areas. We will provide registrants with any updated information regarding these policies should they be revised. We appreciate your cooperation with these protocols in the interest of safety for all participants.

Since your Deans and your District Leadership fully embrace “Everyone in Harmony,” we heartily welcome all barbershoppers to attend HCE!   Please consider passing this great news on to your friends and family members who are members of Harmony, Inc. or Sweet Adelines International! We’d love to have them join us and experience this fun educational event.

REGISTRATION LINK: Please go to and follow the links to the registration page. You will receive an email confirmation upon completion of your registration.  

We hope that you, your quartet, and your chorus will consider coming to Harmony College-East this year to take advantage of the best faculty and coaches the Society has to offer!

Submitted by Sheryl Berlin and Bill Colosimo, HCE Deans