Included in Newsletter

A Message From the President

Hello M-AD members! I’m excited to support our great District as interim President through the end of this year. As many of you know, Brian Schreiner had to step down as his business obligations made it impossible for him to serve the District at the level that he thought necessary. I know you will join me in thanking Brian for his many years of service to our District.

Given all the COVID uncertainties, I had no idea if we would have conventions this spring, and all I can say is that I was so thrilled that we did. I saw so many of you at one of our Spring Conventions! We had 466 attendees at the Central/Southern convention and 279 at Northern. It was awesome and so wonderful to see a number of new ensembles sing for our M-AD audience, as well as many of our long time quartet and chorus participants. The feedback that I’ve gotten so far is overwhelmingly positive. There is nothing like getting back to live barbershop! I’m hoping that all of you will be able to attend our Fall convention, which will be held at the Lancaster Convention on October 7-9, 2022. Please come!

Our next event is Harmony College East and if you have not yet checked it out please do so, here is the link. The school is at McDaniel College in Westminster, MD. It’s going to be a blast! Lots of new courses, a great faculty and a wonderful venue. See you there!

Submitted by Ig Jakovac, Interim District President