Included in Newsletter

Online Leadership Academy 2022

This year has been a continuation of our ‘meeting-in-person’ challenges. I have to give a shout-out to our district and society leadership for dealing with the difficult decision. Should we plan and engage in in-person activities yet? Or should we wait? I was faced with this challenge for Leadership Academy, and it turns out that it was better for us this year to be 100% online and virtual again. So, as it happens in our favorite western, when the hero rides out of town there’s always that ‘Last Chance Saloon’. If you missed this year’s Sessions then, well, I’ve got some good news fer ya, pardner:  The sessions are available in our YouTube channel. Due to the online format we are able to have all of the sessions recorded and available for your later use.

Leadership Academy is a great time to come together as chapter leaders to discover the challenges we all face. The interconnections between chapters is still one of the best features of the Academy, regardless if we are virtual or not. Even though we were able to connect in our online sessions, still, there is a lot to be said for sitting down at a breakfast or lunch table with friends from other chapters. I have found that leadership academy affords me a chance to connect with people I do not see at any other time – yes, even district.

Each year is another chance to look over the session materials, update it for another year, and perhaps add or change sessions to freshen up the experience. I believe we have a core set of material, but then there is a need for updated information. Much of our material is derived from Society-level documentation, and some is original from the faculty members. The core is somewhat static.  So how do we incorporate new material without re-writing the entire docket each year? I’d make a strong case that we should curate and maintain the core of material so it can be used by experienced leaders and new leaders alike but then, I think we have a chance to ADD quite a bit of content in the way of expanded content posted in the YouTube channel.

If you are a chapter leader I’d ask that you consider two things: 

  1. Please engage in reviewing this year’s Leadership Academy content in the YouTube channel (link below) & subscribe
  2. Consider offering your thoughts for additional content or features which would be helpful to you and your chapter. OK, I lied… Three…
  3. Consider contributing yourself potentially as faculty, or perhaps as a participant in future leadership initiatives and session.

MAD Chapter Leadership Training YouTube Channel:

Don’t forget to subscribe so you can be notified when additional videos are available.

Please feel welcomed to share your viewpoint / opinion / ideas with me.  I’m more than willing to listen and take part.

In Harmony,

Rob France
M-AD VP Chapter Support Leadership Training