Included in Newsletter

Spring Conventions Are Almost Here!

We have been busily preparing to hold two conventions:

  • the combined Central and Southern Divisions (which includes Prelims) in Wilmington, DE (Doubletree Downtown) March 24, 25 and
  • the Northern Division combined with Prelims (Nazareth Middle School, Nazareth, PA) April 8, 9. 

Registration for both our conventions will stay open for the former until February 25 and for the latter until March 8.

We can’t wait to see everybody! And you’ll all be glad to know that we’ve had 24 quartets and 12 choruses register for the Central/Southern division convention!

Click the links to see housing information for CentralSouthern, Northern.

At the Central/Southern convention, we’ll have:

  • the MAD Seniors Quartet Championship,
  • Division Championships for each of the divisions for both choruses and quartets,
  • qualification for the fall District contest for both choruses and quartets,
  • quartet qualification for the summer International Convention in Charlotte, and
  • Seniors qualification to 2023’s Midwinter.
  • And if that were not enough, we’ll also have awards for most improved choruses in each division as well as the plateau winners for each division.

Contact me if you have questions.

Submitted by: Ig Jakovac
VP Contest and Judging