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Announcing the M-AD Hall of Honor 2021 Recipients!

Anne with the North Pennsmen

Our first recipient:

Anne with the Liberty Belles

Anne Bureau has served as Director of the North Pennsmen Chorus since 2005.  From 2006 to 2019, Anne led the chapter to six Division first place Championships, three second place and two third place titles. Anne is also the musical director and founder of a Harmony, Inc. chapter and has combined the talents of the choruses at multiple concerts, modeling the spirit of Everyone in Harmony.

Our honoree has coached multiple quartets as they prepared for all levels of contests and has coached local high school ensembles at several large high schools including Souderton and North Penn in the greater Philadelphia area.

Anne with Serendipity Quartet

Anne became the first certified female director in the BHS and has been a strong supporter of MAD youth ensembles, having coached at the Harmony College East (HCE) Youth Camp, and has also given classes and coached adult groups at HCE. She has supported youth adjudications by participating on numerous judging panels. She has sung in two M-AD mixed quartets, Silky Mix who placed 2nd in 2015 and Serendipity who were the M-AD Mixed Harmony Quartet Champions.  She is currently Director-at-Large on the M-AD Board of Directors.

Anne is a certified Harmony, Inc. Music Judge and has been called upon by the Society multiple times to judge at both Divisional and District Contests across the Society. Her quartet, Spectrum, won the Harmony Inc. International contest in 1993 with Anne on baritone. She has sung bass, lead, tenor, and baritone in top 10 HI quartets over the last 3 decades. She is a member of the Mixed Barbershop Harmony Association (MBHA), and has served as a panelist at MBHA-sponsored workshops and panel discussions.

She can sing all treble voice parts and has been providing high quality vocal learning tracks to barbershop singers in all organizations since 2008.

Joe Cerutti and Kristin Chenoweth
Joe with Mike Rowe

Our next recipient:

Joe Cerutti has successfully served as the director of the Alexandria Harmonizers chorus for 15+ years, embracing the legacy identity of the chorus and Chapter, while driving change and growth as a regionally recognized community arts organization.  Joe has led the Harmonizers to

multiple M-AD Championships and nine International appearances including four top five medals.

Under Joe’s leadership, the Harmonizers have performed in major professional collaborations with the Music Center at Strathmore, as well as the Kennedy Center.

Joe is among the most sought-after coaches in M-AD.   He has coached dozens of quartets and choruses before and during the pandemic. 

Joe with the Harmonizers at Normandy

Joe has been a regular faculty member at Harmony College East many years.

As Director of Outreach for the Barbershop Harmony Society, Joe has led the continued successes and growth of the BHS Youth Chorus Festival at Midwinter conventions, providing hundreds of youth a positive and fun exposure to barbershop harmony and lifelong singing.  He has worked tirelessly to build and strengthen relationships with other choral organizations around the world.  

Joe has served on the Faculty of Harmony University (and Virtual Harmony University) for more than a decade and he delivered the keynote address in 2016, one of only a few dozen barbershoppers to have delivered this address in the history of Harmony University.

Joe has served as a Music Judge as part of the C&J program for more than a decade.

Joe is also a prolific coach internationally.  He has travelled around the world to coach in Great Britain, Germany, Australia, and New Zealand.

IT IS AN HONOR AND a privilege to recognize Anne Bureau and Joe Cerutti as new members of the MAD Hall of Honor.


The Mid-Atlantic Hall of Honor (HoH) recognizes persons who have contributed significantly to the well-being and growth of barbershop harmony in general and have fostered growth among chapters, quartets and choruses, divisions, districts and internationally in the BHS. Each recipient is chosen from nominations sent in by Mid-Atlantic members and must meet certain criteria to be considered.

A committee of MAD HoH members reviews all nominees and meets to determine which (if any) of the nominees merit inclusion in the Hall of Honor.

Each recipient will have their name inscribed on the MAD Hall of Honor plaques and will receive a sterling silver engraved plate which reads:

Mid-Atlantic District Barbershop Harmony society proudly designates (name 0f individual) as a member of the MAD HOH in recognition of exceptional contributions to the MAD and for encouragement of Barbershop Harmony. “

In additional they will receive a name badge signifying their membership in the MAD HOH.

submitted by Jay Butterfield, D.Ed.