Included in Newsletter

What is the Leadership Development Committee?

John Santora

The Mid-Atlantic District Leadership Development Committee (LDC) is much more than a nominating committee, although that is an important part – maybe the most important part – of what we do. But that’s just one of the many functions this committee performs.

A nominating committee is one of the most fundamental board committees because the District Board performs the most essential duties of the District. Board members work together to set policy and to direct the overall operations of the District. The board bears the responsibility for providing essential oversight and strategic planning, with the necessary due diligence. Putting forward qualified, committed and passionate nominees is critical to the health and future of the District.

The LDC appreciates the positive vote of the House of Delegates to approve the following 2022 slate of District officers and Board members we proposed.

President                                 Brian Schreiner (re-elected)
Executive Vice President         Steve Kirsch        (re-elected)
Immediate Past President       Bob Eckman       (non-elected position)
Secretary                                 David Kelly, Jr.    (appointed in 2021, newly elected)
Treasurer                                Dave Welter       (re-elected)
Members at-large                   Sheryl Berlin       (newly elected)
                                                Anne Bureau      (re-elected)
                                                Jay Butterfield    (re-elected)
                                                Rafi Hasib           (newly elected)

What else does the LDC do?

Starting in January of every year, the LDC meets on a regular basis throughout the year to do these things:

  • Begin to accumulate names, references and background information on potential nominees to the District Board of Directors;
  • Plan a method of self-assessment for the current members of the District Board;
  • Identify missing skill sets on the current Board, and strive to identify potential nominees with those skills;
  • Strive to incorporate the vision of Everyone in Harmony by identifying candidates from varying genders, ethnicities, backgrounds and constituencies to deepen the Board’s appreciation for under-represented groups;
  • Prepare and present a slate of officers and board members-at-large for consideration by the House of Delegates at each Fall Convention;

by John Santora, 2021-2022 chair