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East Coast Harmony Explosion coming to Baltimore in February!

Brothers in Arms Quartet

Katie Macdonald and Ali Hauger of GQ have some exciting news for us! EAST COAST HARMONY EXPLOSION is coming to Baltimore, MD on February 19, 2021!

ECHE is a free harmony day camp for singers grades 6-12. This youth event is sponsored by Sweet Adelines International Region 19, Mid-Atlantic District of the Barbershop Harmony Society, and Area 3 of Harmony Inc. It’s one of the first of its kind in the barbershop world! Interested parents of eligible youth may register by clicking here!

Hot Pursuit Quartet

Individuals available to volunteer may sign up by clicking here! They also appreciate and welcome charitable donations of any amount. This camp is free to all eligible singers, so any amount helps greatly with their expenses! You can donate with a credit card or PayPal account by clicking here. The free performance at 6 p.m. that evening is open to the public for all fans of barbershop to enjoy!

General inquiries about the event can be sent to this address: