Included in Newsletter

Conventions are Coming – In the Spring!

Ig Jakovac


I was so looking forward to being with you at our Fall Convention. How disappointing to have to cancel again. We had 13 choruses and 24 quartets registered when we had to close the registration process. Thank you so much – if nothing else we had a dry run for how to register your quartet or chorus via the new Member Center Barberscore system. While there were a few hiccups, most of you successfully navigated the new contest entry system. This will serve us all well in the spring.

Our current plan is to hold Division, Seniors and International Quartet Preliminary conventions this spring. These will qualify participants for later contests as follows:

  • The Division contests will qualify quartets and choruses to appear at the Fall District convention
  • The International Preliminary Quartet contest will qualify quartets to compete in Charlotte next summer.
  • Choruses who have not yet qualified for Charlotte can qualify in one of the spring conventions (more information on this as soon as BHS provides guidance).
  • Finally, Seniors can qualify to compete at the 2023 Mid-Winter at any of our Division contests and can compete for Seniors District Champions at a designated Division convention (TBD).

Hope to see you in the Spring!
Ig Jakovac