Included in Newsletter

Conventions are Coming – In the Spring!

Ig Jakovac


I was so looking forward to being with you at our Fall Convention. How disappointing to have to cancel again. We had 13 choruses and 24 quartets registered when we had to close the registration process. Thank you so much – if nothing else we had a dry run for how to register your quartet or chorus via the new Member Center Barberscore system. While there were a few hiccups, most of you successfully navigated the new contest entry system. This will serve us all well in the spring.

Our current plan is to hold Division, Seniors and International Quartet Preliminary conventions this spring. These will qualify participants for later contests as follows:

  • The Division contests will qualify quartets and choruses to appear at the Fall District convention
  • The International Preliminary Quartet contest will qualify quartets to compete in Charlotte next summer.
  • Choruses who have not yet qualified for Charlotte can qualify in one of the spring conventions (more information on this as soon as BHS provides guidance).
  • Finally, Seniors can qualify to compete at the 2023 Mid-Winter at any of our Division contests and can compete for Seniors District Champions at a designated Division convention (TBD).

Hope to see you in the Spring!
Ig Jakovac

Included in Newsletter

Knights of the Round Table

Rich Gray

The last two years have proven to be a challenge for our chapters in many ways. There has been so much change and new information flying around daily, forcing our leadership to constantly adjust course and find new ways to keep members engaged and working towards SOMETHING! Perhaps no one understands this struggle more than the men and women who stand (or sit on Zoom) in front of us each week and lead us in what is hopefully a productive, meaningful rehearsal each week… our Directors.

Our talented M-AD Directors spent countless hours planning and seeking out new ideas for keeping the choruses moving forward during “the Zoom era” and, just when they found some light at the end of the tunnel and things began to get back to normal, they had the rug pulled out from under them all over again. Fortunately, they were able to lean on each other a bit with “Directors Round Table” discussions, a tradition started a few years ago when directors met on Sunday morning at a convention and shared ideas, discussed important topics, and sought input from their peers. During the “lockdown” MAD chorus directors met periodically via Zoom to do the same, and it proved to be truly valuable each time we met. Assistant Directors were always welcome and even Music VP’s and Presidents from time to time. No matter the title or position of the attendees, the result has been the same: great feedback, ideas, and encouragement from a group of people who are all in the same boat.

As we move into the next chapter of the pandemic, we’ll continue to hold our Directors Round Table meetings from time to time. If you’re a Director or Assistant Director who would like to participate but haven’t received the previous invitations, please send your name, chapter, and position to Rich Gray, at and I’ll be sure you’re included going forward.

I’ll look forward to seeing you all in the spring (fingers crossed) where we can all get back on stage to share some great performances with each other.

Rich Gray
VP Chorus Director Development

Included in Newsletter

North Pennsmen Beat the Pandemic

Being a chapter leader (and member) over the last 19 months has been challenging. The good news is that we are now more flexible, understanding, patient and creative.

March 10, 2020, we met as usual, sang, socialized, then went home, and the following day, our rehearsal hall closed, and things changed.

“But we need to stay connected!” I thought.

So, without missing a beat, we began meeting weekly using ZOOM. We met through the spring, summer and fall months. We met through the winter and following spring, even on snow days, learning songs, making videos, and launching an online Singing Valentine’s program. We even produced a virtual Spring Show in 2021.

Last April, we met safely, outside on a Saturday morning for the first time in 13 months. We sang and it was beautiful. Since then, we’ve been meeting in-person, outside, then inside, then outside, preparing for performances we gained from our promotions. We’re planning a live Christmas Show December 4 and have continued to advertise for Singers Wanted.

In August, we held our annual picnic and celebrated singing together. My hope is that you have also stayed connected and that you are singing with your riser buddies. Let’s plan to see each other, sing a tag together, once again, next spring!

Anne Bureau,
Musical and Artistic Director
District BMAL

Included in Newsletter

Dating Can Lead to Barbershop

Steve and Debbie Kirsh

Let this be a warning to you youngsters

Hi! My name is Steve. I’m your Mid-Atlantic District EVP and I’d love to meet you. Unfortunately, our world of barbershop hasn’t allowed that for the last 18 months. Pretty depressing. If we had the chance to gather together, I’d introduce myself and share my barbershop story…

My first barbershop experience was the Bucks County Country Gentlemen Show in 1989. My girlfriend was playing a part in the show (that’s another story) and her father, David Dahlen, sang in the chapter. The Second Edition opened the second half of the show. I’m not sure if it was their rendition of Strike up the Band or the overtones in Almost Like Being In Love, but I know I was hooked. I bought their cassette and wore it out while in college.

Debbie (that girlfriend) is now my wife of almost 30 years and we have two amazing sons.

What a journey this has been! Ever since I joined BHS in 1995, I’ve been fortunate to find many great friends and sing in a couple of good quartets, in particular Frank the Dog and currently in Taylor Made. As EVP, I’ve worked with the District Board to restructure the Operations Team – our goal to provide each member better support in the ways we engage in the hobby – our community, our education, and our events.

Over the next several newsletters, I’ll share in more detail these changes and how each can impact you.

Steve Kirsch
District EVP


Oriole Four Tribute Video

YouTube player

1970 International Champions Oriole Four ( Bob Welzenbach, tenor; Jim Grant, lead; Fred King, baritone; Don Stratton, bass) were shining lights in the Mid-Atlantic District.